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Download the GSMAC Brochure

The Military Affairs Committee was created by the Griffin-Spalding Chamber of Commerce in 2006 to recognize veteran contributions to our community and to respond to their concerns. The Committee is a registered 501(c)3 Charitable organization.



The GSMAC meets at 10:30 AM. on the second Tuesday of each month at the Griffin Spalding Chamber of Commerce Welcome Center, located at 143 North Hill Street. All are welcome – there is no “membership” requirement. We welcome everyone who has a heart to help veterans in our community.




➤ Promote community awareness for veteran needs

➤ Eradicate homelessness within our Veteran population

➤ Drive the acquisition and establishment of an impactful transition center shelter for            local Homeless Veterans

➤ Erect and maintain memorials for Fallen Veterans

➤ Coordinate Veteran activities within our community, primarily Memorial and Veterans          Day Celebrations

➤ Promote military goodwill within our community

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Spalding County has almost 5,000 veterans. 99%+ are typical productive citizens supporting their families and moving through life as we all do. Sadly, though, we

have homeless veterans made so by a myriad of reasons.Our best estimate is between 100 and 130 homeless vets are Spalding County residents on any given day. They have served our country honorably and deserve a hand up. They, too, can have happy, satisfying lives and a positive future if only we make the commitment to help and give them that second chance.

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We need YOU!


You can Support Their Honor directly with the GSMAC by:

  1. Making a Donation

  2. Following our Social Media accounts and sharing our activities

  3. Attending one of our annual fundraising events (See News and Events)

  4. Volunteering at local partner organizations that serve this community

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Local Photo Credit: William Wilson

© Griffin Spalding Military Affairs Committee, Inc.

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